Sunday, October 14, 2007

Girl Bomb

In the next section I read of Girl Bomb, Jan has become more independent. Her mom called the shelter she has been living at for almost 4 months and said she wanted Jan to come home. Her mom claimed to have broken up with her abusive ex husband and is moving out. Jan knows that in a few months they will be back together. What Jan really wants is for things to go back to the way they used to be before she ran away about 6 months ago. Jan realized she has no friends at the shelter after all of them got drunk and told her how they really felt about her. They thought she was the goody two shoes of the house and she was fake. On top of the drama at the shelter, she had more with her school friends. Her friends Hope and Alice had become closer and started to forget about her. She also had a new boyfriend and was focusing a lot of her time in theater at school.

'My friend Domenic's in love with you,' said Genie
"I joined her at our bedroom window. We'd learned, over the past 2 months of rooming together, that if we squished alongside each other, we could both stick our heads out and smoke at the same time" (73).

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