Saturday, January 5, 2008

Post A

boisterous: rough and noisy

trenchant: incisive or keen

Figurative Language:

Imagery- "tall, long-limbed, with fine scandinavian features- the high forehead, the silver blond hair and cornflower blue eyes." (155) this is an example of imagery because it describes what she looks like, creating a mental image.

Metaphor- "She was as pretty as she was before, this time maybe even prettier." (167) this is an example of metaphor because they are comparing the character.

Imagery- "Surfers liked to comemorate events by gathering together and paddling out on their boards into the ocean as a group activity." (171) this is an example of imagery becasue it explains the things they do at the ocean.

"This night was about Sydney. Sydney Minx. And you know whats going on out there? What people are talking about?""What?" Eliza asked, still confused."You. Thats who. Whos the girl from the helecopter? Whos the model who flew down? Whos the girl in the dress? Whos the girl. Its all about you. I had to teach a couple of reporters from the New York Post how to spell your name!" (129)This quote is very important in the novel. It signifies how Eliza, a designer and intern working for Sydney Minx, was the center of attention at the fashion show launch, not Sydney.

I think the theme created during the book is to chase after what you believe in, and not let anything get in the way of that.

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