Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Outside Reading

I am about half way through my novel, A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly. It is a pretty easy read so far, no huge words that are hard to understand. It is mainly about a 16 year old teenager named Mattie, she has many brothers and sisters and neighbors that she has to take care of. Her family is at the pit of being poor. Her mother just died and has left her in charge of the family. She has a tough time trying to raise her family and still have a life of her own. Her father is out on the farm all day trying to make his own income, while still expecting someone to clean up, make the food, and make sure everything is alright in the house. It's hard for her to get used to taking on such a big role, she has many dreams she wants to accomplish to but she feels like her family and struggles is getting in the way.

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